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The Villages
Friday, April 19, 2024

Villages-News.com needs your help to add comment moderators

Villages-News.com has the most engaged readers in Lake, Sumter and Marion counties.

Our readers possess a diverse mix of political, religious, and socio-economic beliefs. We are not here to censor any of you. We know that sometimes it can be difficult to express a belief about which you are passionate.

We always want you to use Villages-News.com to express yourself, and we always want to promote civil engagement, constructive criticism, and meaningful conversation among our readers.

Moderating comments is a monumental task to allows readers to engage in realtime conversations about relevant topics, and we are the only platform in The Villages that does this.

We need your help to add comment moderators.

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The press is biased against Trump

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Osceola Hills makes the case that the press is biased against former President Trump.

Former Morse South Gate attendant offers a little perspective

A former Morse South Gate attendant, in a Letter to the Editor, offers a little perspective after another letter writer was critical of attendants working that gate.

A lot of our presidents have committed adultery

A Village of Piedmont resident responds to Ralph Bennett’s assertion that Donald Trump is a fake Christian and she claims that many of our presidents have committed adultery. Read her Letter to the Editor.

DeSantis’ extreme agenda pushing medical providers out of Florida

A Village of Santo Domingo resident, in a Letter to the Editor, warns that Gov. Ron DeSantis’ extreme agenda is pushing medical providers out of Florida.

Traffic congestion makes it a long haul to Villages High School at Middleton

A parent of a student at The Villages High School at Middleton says it’s a long haul through heavy traffic to get back and forth to the new campus.