“America’s Got Talent” sensation Fernando Varela gave a powerful performance Sunday morning at his church, St. Paul Parish in Belleview.
It’s the church where he and his wife were married.
It’s where their child was baptized.
It’s where Fernando serves as music director.
Instead of standing before Howard, Heidi, Howie and Mel B, he stood before the people who share his love of the Lord.
So many people attended Sunday morning’s service that folding chairs had to be set up outside.
Father Mark Niznik kicked off the service with a little stand-up comedy. Seems the “America’s Got Talent” producers have their eye on him, too.
Many of those in attendance were not church members. They came to see Fernando perform.
“I feel so guilty. But I am so excited to see him,” said Janis Ward of the Village of Belvedere.
Father Mark looked out at the overflow crowd and joked, “Happy Easter!”
Ward admitted that she’s essentially a bandwagon fan and never watched “America’s Got Talent” before Fernando began performing on the show as part of a trio of tenors billed as “Forte.” It was her mother, Adele LaFave of the Village of St. Charles, who turned her on to the top-rated NBC program and Fernando.
Ken and Carol Lehmann of the Village of Hemingway were lucky enough to get seats up front and had a terrific view of Fernando.
“We just love Fernando,” Carol Lehmann said.
Father Mark said the huge crowd was, “a good problem to have.”
He also took advantage of the opportunity to announce that beginning in November, St. Paul Parish will expand to two Sunday masses – at 9 and 11 a.m.
“I hope Fernando can come to a few of them,” Father Mark said with a wink.
Fernando showed the priest that he’s no slouch when it comes to comedy either.
“I will be at the 11 o’clock,” joked the singer.
Fernando’s next appearance on “America’s Got Talent” will be Sept. 10.
You can watch a video from his performance at St. Paul Parish at the link below:
You can also watch a video of Father Mark’s stand-up comedy at the link below: