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The Villages
Friday, January 17, 2025

Lake County property appraiser says more seniors saving on property taxes

Carey Baker
Carey Baker

Lake County Property Appraiser Carey Baker said more Lake County seniors are saving money this year on property taxes than in previous years.  Baker attributes this to a newly designed informational flyer his office included with the Proposed Property Tax Notice (also known as the TRIM notice) which was mailed to all property owners last month.  The new flyer included easy to read information about Limited Income Senior Exemption.

“I wanted the flyer to grab the attention of seniors and wow did it ever!  Since the TRIM mailing, we’ve signed up an additional 285 seniors who qualify for the senior property tax exemption. I think that’s incredible.This exemption saves a lot of money for so many of our seniors that are on a limited income” Baker said.

The senior exemption can provide an additional exemption up to $50,000 off the assessed value of a homesteaded property. The exemption amount can vary by taxing authority.

To qualify for the senior exemption property owners must be a permanent Lake County resident with a homestead exemption and you must be 65 years of age or older as of January 1 in the year you file for this exemption; and your adjusted gross household income must not exceed $27,590.  The income limitation amount is adjusted annually by the Florida Department of Revenue.

“The county currently has a total of 5,061 seniors benefitting from the exemption.  Awareness makes the difference.  I’ll be working to get the word out because I know there are more seniors that will qualify next year” stated Baker.

Baker has been working to make information about exemptions easily assessable by redesigning his agency’s website with homeowners, seniors, and veterans in mind.  Exemption information is located ‘front and center’ on the property appraiser’s web site at www.lcpafl.org.  Exemption Specialists are available to answer your questions at 352-253-2153.

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