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The Villages
Saturday, September 7, 2024

I can’t believe Villages-News.com would publish such garbage

To the Editor:

I can’t believe that this Villages-News.com would post so much garbage, such as Marsha Shearer “Project 2025 November Election” article!! Our country has been lied to from the Media, Democrats and the Biden family for the last four years!! We are involved in two wars, open borders bringing in crime to our streets, high inflation and trillions of dollars in debt, and all you can do is complain and make up these phony comments! Look around at our Country for what has happened to our country since Biden took office! The Dems have made this mess in the election because of all their lies and are now scrambling to cover up their lies!! Remember what Trump was accused of in the 20’ election, I just wonder what Marsha’s comments are about the Democrats 2025 Election and what it is showing to the rest of the World!! During the Trumps years we had No Wars, Best Economy in 50 years, Peace in the Middle East, Closed Border and a Wall being built keeping our people safe, less drugs coming over the border killing our children and respect from our adversaries!! Sorry Marsha, give me Trump any day of the week versus these lying Democrats and the Biden’s! You are always blasting the Trumps, have you looked at the Trump Family who are all decent educated successful and hard working family, who don’t have drug and other issues like some others!!

Ken Sulko
Village of Osceola Hills


Here’s my quandary when it comes to homeowner’s insurance

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Belle Aire resident lays out his situation when it comes to the rising cost of homeowner’s insurance.

Sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier

A Village of Monarch Grove resident, in a Letter to the Editor, writes that sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier and the situation has gotten out of hand.

Not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult

A Lady Lake resident, who bills himself as the hollerin’ hit dog, contends that not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult.

Dear Pro-Trump Voters

A Village of Chatham resident has a message for Pro-Trump voters. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Even our founding fathers were after power

A Village of Mallory Square resident says that politicians today and yesterday were all about acquiring power.