To the Editor:
I’m prompted by a comment to an article in the issue of Aug. 2 to pose THIS double-edge question: Does the public know exactly where the unawarded millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, from the lottery games have gone? I know “education” has been mentioned, but I do not believe the educational products of all that money are made public. I STRONGLY believe that some of that money should be spent on increasing the penalties for breaking the law, i.e., more police, more judges, more juries and most of all, more jails. Far too many of those arrested are set free to continue their lifestyle and that should cause public outrage! The article and comment I refer to relates to a known criminal being released after posting a $14,000 bond when, as I understand it, that $14,000 bond only means $1,400 must be put up. An alleged thief could easily forfeit that amount of money and go into hiding for the rest of the person’s life. Moreover, I’ve read of many far WORSE criminals and alleged criminals posting bond and being set free on bond never to be seen again. There needs to be IMMEDIATE PUNISHMENT in response to known and obvious criminal actions having taken place. All the appeal and postponement stuff leaves too many criminals on the street, not to mention the costs to harbor such criminals – for years sometimes.
Lee Gilpin
Village of Liberty Park