Recently, Marsha Shearer offered advice “…for those on the Trump train…” which, in her opinion is “…off the rails and destined to crash…because of its “weird” engineer.
Other than the usual shots at Trump and the worn-out arguments of (1) My Body, My Choice and (2) the rich need to pay their fair share, her only offerings for a Party with nothing to run on, other than Trump, is “…the light at the end of the tunnel…” full of Hope, Joy and Enthusiasm with Harris/Walz.
Shortly thereafter, Tony Violanti had an epiphany comparing Tampon Timmy Walz with Ronald Reagan. YIKES! Suggesting that passion and love of country were his strong suits. I don’t recall Reagan supporting defunding the police, supporting sanctuary cities for law breakers, empowering criminals to loot and burn his own city, legalizing gender mutilation, creating snitch hotlines and arresting parents who demanded…Our Kids, Our Responsibility! TALK ABOUT GASLIGHTING.
I think its fair to say that Comrades Harris and Walz are an extreme leftist-Marxist, trans-promoting, race-baiting, all-in Communist Combo who have completed the destruction of the Democratic Party of Roosevelt and Kennedy and are the tools of the Obamas who promised a complete transformation of our country.
What is the HOPE they have to offer:
• Erasing our borders completely. Allow anyone in.
• Giving free healthcare, education and welfare benefits to all who come.
• Allowing everyone to vote regardless of their citizenship status.
• Empower the criminals.
• Increase homelessness.
• Defund the police.
• More fentanyl deaths and more human trafficking.
Where is the JOY?
• Increased infanticide…without Rowe vs Wade
• Increased gender mutilation.
• Destruction of female sports.
• Increase discrimination against Christian white males in order to eliminate any moral judgments against their free choices…so long as the responsibility and consequences of those choices are paid for by those same Christian white males.
• Christian white females apparently don’t count.
Where is the ENTHUSIASM?
• Add another Supreme Court Justice who cannot define a woman? Science only matters in global warming.
• For more mediocrity in our public education system, our military and our government thru enforcement of DEI initiatives.
• Increasing the Communist style weaponization of our government against political opponents and/or those citizens who disagree.
• Increase hiding the corruption in Washington.
• Enthusiastically support the latest Biden/Harris appointment to the Nuclear Security Administration who believes in “…eradicating White Supremacy in the nuclear field…” as well as “…queering nuclear weapons…” (her words not mine), as part of her diversity, equity and inclusion push which she believes is essential for deterring nuclear threats. I didn’t know there was a Queer nuclear weapon. She didn’t define the gender. WHAT!
Perhaps Marsha would like to offer more clarity to these one-word themes that seem limited due the belief that their electorate has been sufficiently dumbed-down.
Violanti, on the other hand, was impressed by Walz’s manhood as he watched and encouraged his city to be burned down in support of his hero, George Floyd, while enjoying the smell of burning buildings, cars and tires with his wife. He took one for the Gipper, in Tony’s view.
Perhaps there is hope that Walz will do us all a favor and watch Washington burn.
I may be wrong but I don’t think Tony was impressed with the tampons in the boy’s room or the enforcement of mandatory gender transitions without parental consent. But, hey, I could be wrong. And Tony… Trump is no Reagan either. But it is darkness not light at the end of your tunnel.
NOTE: I am not voting for Trump! I am voting to:
• Restore and enforce our sovereignty with secure borders.
• Support the second amendment, particularly in light of the full Communist mode the Democratic Socialist Party has embraced. To call them Democrats any more is like putting lipstick on a pig.
• Restore our Military leadership in the government and at each of our service academies that have embraced critical race theory and DEI initiatives.
• Restore the FBI, Secret Service, IRS to trusted public servants again.
• Student loans…Your Choice, Your Consequences, Your Responsibility.
• Abortions and Gender transitions…Your Choice, Your Consequences, Your Responsibility.
• Mandatory voter ID for citizens only.
• Restore energy independence. There is room in our economy for all choices to compete fairly.
• Eliminate funding to cities that support sanctuary for criminals.
• Promote school choice for all and eliminate funding to public schools and universities who choose indoctrination over teaching.
• Eliminate funding to all NGO’s who enrich themselves while aiding and abetting the criminal enterprises.
• Put China, Mexico and Iran on notice. There will be consequences for their choices.
With all due respect to both Marsha and Tony, kudos for not hiding behind some fake name to express your opinions unlike those on this site who will respond.
Richard Sobieray is a resident of the Village of Palo Alto.