To the Editor:
It is the height of hypocrisy to blame Biden alone for the deaths of 13 American soldiers at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan. Trump invited the Taliban leaders to Camp David for peace talks. Those leaders plotted the attack.
Trump also released 5,000 of their most vicious fighters to fight again. Their goal was to kill Americans. Instead of fighting them, Trump caved. Going to Arlington National Cemetery for political reasons and blaming Biden alone for the 13 deaths is hypocritical. Trump bears some responsibility for releasing 5,000 Taliban fighters knowing that it put Americans in jeopardy
I stood on the Main street of Jackson, Wyoming when Rylee McCollum was returned to his pregnant wife and his family. People quietly stood with hands over their hearts and flags in their hands. There were no Republicans or Democrats. Just mourning Americans. Rylee and his fellow soldiers should not be used for political purposes. There is plenty of blame to go around. Quit blaming Biden alone.
Diane Yates
Village of Virginia Trace