To the Editor:
I want a President who:
Abides by the rule of law and respects our institutions for what they stand for.
Follows the constitution and has respect for what it represents.
Has respect for our armed forces and the soldiers that fought and died for our freedom.
Has values and character and demonstrates this each day.
Is true to our allies, supports NATO and treats dictators with firmness and resolve.
Listens to world scientists on climate change–trust the science.
Listens to world doctors on virus warnings and precautions–trust the science.
Treats ALL people with respect and dignity.
Someone that my children and grandchildren can respect and admire.
Someone who surrounds themselves with smart, ethical, good character people who work for a better country each day.
Someone who can work with members of the other party to seek a better country–a servant leader.
When they speak, i can believe what they are saying without having to fact check.
Does not want to take away individual freedoms and rights of other people.
I sincerely hope that these opinions are shared by most Americans as we head toward the next elections. I feel we have much more in common than we have differences.
Craig Darrington
Village of Charlotte