To the Editor:
Be honest with yourself and look at our world today, it is on fire ever since Biden/Harris have been in the White House!! If you have any kind of sense you have to recognize all the problems we have in the Mid East and Ukraine!! Harris is not capable or experienced enough to handle Russia, Iran, North Korea or China etc!! Those problems would not even exist today, if we had a strong and intelligent leader in the White House, which we don’t… I know everyone is just talking about the Economy and Border, which are also very large problems, but if War breaks out further you know we will be in World War III!! Think about your children and grandchildren that may be involved!! I pray that it doesn’t happen and no matter what you think of Trump, he by far is our best choice of being able to stop it before it happens! Our adversaries know how weak we are in leadership with Harris and are just licking their lips waiting to see if Harris wins!! Harris is talking about all that she will do, which is just words that have no meaning and repeating lies about Trump, that she knows are false statements! Where has she been the last 3 1/2 years!! Words are Cheap, Action is what Counts!!
I know a lot of people may accuse me of jumping to conclusions, but just look at the Facts!! Russia/Ukraine War has been going on for what close to two years and nobody has made any kind of attempt to stop it, and if we had a strong leader it would have been stopped before it started! The same Israel and Hamas should never have happened, if again we had a leader who showed strength and controlled Iran! Look at the mess Afghanistan is and is already under control of the terrorists! Look at the Suez Canal in the Red Sea has been taken over by terrorists and stopping all the world shipping, and I haven’t even heard Harris mention it!! Plus look at the thousands and probably millions of lives being lost, cities being destroyed and we don’t have a person in the White House that is capable of negotiating Peace or even showing any concern to do so!!! All she wants to do is talk about, is when she was a little girl, instead of the issues facing our Country today! I don’t want to see my grandkids having to go to War just because we have elected a weak and incompetent leader, and just because we don’t like Trump’s personality.. Trump is the person that did a good job for Four years and kept peace in the World and kept our Country Strong!! We need peace in this World and stopping the millions of people invading our Border!! We need a strong leader, that is my concern!
Ken Sulko
Village of Osceola Hills