70.3 F
The Villages
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Prosecutors will have chance to present damning evidence against Trump

To the Editor:

After much delay and a very political ruling from the disgraced Supreme Court, a federal judge this Thursday will allow the federal prosecutors in Washington to present the evidence of guilt by Trump. The same evidence that the prosecutors used for the grand jury. Finally we will see what the Trump White House staff saw and heard on 1/6/21. When Trump for three hours watched on television as the Capitol police got beaten. When his supporters broke into our Capitol building and stole government property. Trump did not lift a finger. That day he will go down in the history books on the same page as Benedict Arnold.

Ed McGinty
Village of Hadley


Person living in golf cart at Spanish Springs

A Village of La Reynalda resident is concerned about a person living in a golf cart in the Spanish Springs area. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Our economy depends on illegal workers

In a response to a previous letter writer, a Village of Woodbury resident explains that our economy depends on illegal workers.

Why wouldn’t black men support Donald Trump?

A Village of Pine Ridge resident, in a Letter to the Editor, asks why black men wouldn’t support Donald Trump.

What flavor do you like your Kool-Aid?

A Village of Marsh Bend resident responds to a fellow resident who suggested it was time for The Villages to change its motto.

Illegals can’t vote but will do jobs Americans won’t do

A Village of Buttonwood resident, in a Letter to the Editor, says illegals can’t vote but and willing to do the jobs Americans won’t do.