66.7 F
The Villages
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

You are supporting Satan’s agenda

To the Editor:

To Annette Woodley on Trump support:
Always lies with Trump derangement syndrome. If you support the Democrats, you are supporting Satan’s agenda.

Glenn Lashley
Village of Hadley


Person living in golf cart at Spanish Springs

A Village of La Reynalda resident is concerned about a person living in a golf cart in the Spanish Springs area. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Our economy depends on illegal workers

In a response to a previous letter writer, a Village of Woodbury resident explains that our economy depends on illegal workers.

Why wouldn’t black men support Donald Trump?

A Village of Pine Ridge resident, in a Letter to the Editor, asks why black men wouldn’t support Donald Trump.

What flavor do you like your Kool-Aid?

A Village of Marsh Bend resident responds to a fellow resident who suggested it was time for The Villages to change its motto.

Illegals can’t vote but will do jobs Americans won’t do

A Village of Buttonwood resident, in a Letter to the Editor, says illegals can’t vote but and willing to do the jobs Americans won’t do.