To the Editor:
Forbes Magazine’s recent study indicates 57 percent of our billionaires favor Harris over Trump. Why would most of the billionaires of America support Kamala over Donald? Does this group believe it can influence her more than him after the election? One point can be made, if elected, she and her administration will be in these billionaires’ pockets. They will have access to millions of undocumented low wage workers subsidized by government handouts at the expense of the middle class. Our schools’ tax dollars will pay to educate and indoctrinate non-citizen children for generations of subserviency. Our billionaires know Trump’s deportation plans will rob them of this low tax paying work force. They also know they will have to foot the bill with increased minimum wages and training programs to lure our lower income citizens into their corporations. Queen Kamala touts the theory of the “Top 1%” not paying their fair share and how Trump’s policies will cater to this group. Is she wrong or is she as usual just attempting to divide and conquer. Is she playing the large percentage of those who pay less taxes against the belief the ‘One Percenters’ will reap republican rewards? Keep in mind, as of March 2024 the bottom 50 percent of Americans only paid 2.3 percent of the total federal taxes collected. Understand this, 57 percent of the billionaires believe they can better control Kamala over Trump after the election, however; they can’t control our votes prior to this election. Don’t think rich, think smart. Vote like your future livelihood depends on it.
Joel Kinsman
Village of Glenbrook