To the Editor:
Why do we pay the majority of our annual taxes to a school district? And why do we have a high school that looks as nice as some colleges? Because we need the best professional people to work in our community. If we want the best doctors the best all around medical care, the best insurance agents, financial advisors, everyone who provides services in our villages; we must have the best schools for their children to go to. It is a LARGE factor to consider when choosing somewhere to raise your children. My grandchildren attend the charter schools which provide amazing opportunities. In order for students to attend The Villages charter schools, one of their parents MUST WORK in The Villages for a minimum of 20 hours per week. By the way, NO TAX money was used to build these schools, The Villages paid for them all. It’s true The Villages have made a lot of money creating The Villages, but they are also GIVING BACK to the community to ensure we OUR lifestyle is the best.
Ranee Markus
Village of Caroline