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The Villages
Friday, January 17, 2025

Villagers want Developer to enforce deed restriction against children

Villagers want to see the Developer enforce the deed restriction against children living in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.

The controversial topic has been reignited thanks to a baby reportedly living in the Village of DeLuna.

“Doesn’t the Developer see a problem if this becomes a trend and people who are thinking about coming here change their mind if there is no enforcement?” asked Villager Art Stephens.

He said continued non-enforcement puts The Villages on a “slippery slope.”

John Daddona of the Village of Tierra del Sol said he is equally perplexed as to why the Developer is apparently overlooking the rule against children.

“Why doesn’t the Developer enforce their side of the deed compliance?” Daddona asked. “Developer enforcement of underage resident occupants should be in the levy of daily fines until resolved, the same as other violations.”

However, some residents feel the issue of children in the home should be looked at on a case-by-case basis. 

As to children residing over 90 days, what are the circumstances? Is there a financial hardship?  Did their parents die? Did their house burn down? Are the parents unfit? Families have to pull together in emergency situations. We shouldn’t be heartless to our neighbor’s struggles. Also, we can’t control every circumstance in our environment to make the world our version of perfect,” said Villager Joy Blodgett.

Connie Lacey said Villagers should mind their own business.

Live and let live!  The children must need a home or they won’t be here, with grandparents!” she said.

So what is President Biden’s legacy?

What will President Biden’s legacy be? A Village of Winifred resident has a few suggestions.

I would love to have a Trader Joe’s in The Villages

A Village of Piedmont woman adds her voice to the chorus calling for a Trader Joe’s in The Villages. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Why do people assert that the GOP/MAGA are stupid for supporting Trump?

A Village of St. Charles woman, in a Letter to the Editor, wonders how anyone could support President-elect Trump.

There’s more to the story about ‘adult children’ in The Villages

A Village of Collier resident responds to a previous letter writer who complained about adult children living in The Villages and committing crime. The Collier resident says there’s more to the story.

Congressional widow denies existence of slush fund

A Village of Bonita resident, who is the widow of a Congressman, angrily responds to a letter writer’s claim there is a special slush fund in Congress to coverup extramarital affairs.