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The Villages
Friday, January 17, 2025

Fenney Grill employee repeatedly called by her alleged attacker

Freddy Bailey Jr.
Freddy Bailey Jr.

A Fenney Grill employee has been repeatedly contacted by a man who allegedly attacked her, landing him in deeper trouble.

Freddy Bailey Jr., 47, of Wildwood, has been lodged since Oct. 22 at the Sumter County Detention Center following his arrest by Wildwood police on a charge of domestic battery. In that incident, he allegedly pulled the woman’s hair and left scratch marks on her chin and forearm.

Bailey called the woman five times on Oct. 29, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Detention Center, despite a no contact order imposed by a judge.

The video call system used at the jail shows a split screen, clearly displaying both Bailey and the woman he had allegedly attacked. The arrest report noted that the victim had used another woman’s name and identification during the call.

The report noted that she and Frank “have used this same ID and name in prior cases of domestic battery between them in an effort to circumvent no contact orders that were in place at that time.”

A detective tracked down the woman because, “Observations in the video calls made by the defendant revealed the female to be employed by Fenney Grill.” The detective “subsequently contacted that establishment and verified her employment.”

Bailey is facing an additional charge of violating a no contact order. He continues to be held without bond.

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