56.6 F
The Villages
Saturday, January 18, 2025

No more overtime for managers making less than $58,000

To the Editor:

The working class abandoned the Democratic Party choosing instead to believe Trump’s lies.
A Trump-appointed judge in Texas just overturned a Biden law that guaranteed overtime to workers making less than $58,000 a year. Workers are now at the mercy of their boss. You can be required to work overtime without the pay.
So much for workers’ rights.
Trusting Republicans to protect workers is a joke. They will always be for the wealthy and corporations. The war against workers marches on. Be careful what you vote for.

Diane Yates
Village of Virginia Trace


Congress did have a slush fund to pay sexual assault settlements

A reader from the Village of Lake Denham says Congress did have a slush fund to pay sexual assault settlements. He offers details in a Letter to the Editor.

So what is President Biden’s legacy?

What will President Biden’s legacy be? A Village of Winifred resident has a few suggestions.

I would love to have a Trader Joe’s in The Villages

A Village of Piedmont woman adds her voice to the chorus calling for a Trader Joe’s in The Villages. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Why do people assert that the GOP/MAGA are stupid for supporting Trump?

A Village of St. Charles woman, in a Letter to the Editor, wonders how anyone could support President-elect Trump.

There’s more to the story about ‘adult children’ in The Villages

A Village of Collier resident responds to a previous letter writer who complained about adult children living in The Villages and committing crime. The Collier resident says there’s more to the story.