To the Editor:
To Mark, Deborah, and other Trump supporters, yes, your hero won. But as always with Trumpers you gloat, insult those who disagree and mix the facts. Trump in 2016 inherited a booming economy, with inflation down, stock market up, unemployment down, the housing and auto industry saved thanks to the Obama administration, life was good. What did Trump leave America in January of 2021? A country suffering from the largest pandemic in over 100 years, inflation through the roof, businesses closed, unemployment at 14 percent, food prices going up supply going down and a slow, low stock market. His term ended with his attempts to maintain power by leading an insurrection on Jan 6th you remember that “day of love” I’m sure. Let’s see what he does these four years. He’s already said it will be about revenge and retribution. He’s made one good cabinet choice, Marco Rubio, and five appointments whose only qualification is pure unquestioned loyalty.
Let’s see what he really does before anointing him the best president ever which you all seem to believe he will be.
Ray Dube
Haciendas at Mission Hills