To the Editor:
For November, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an unemployment rate of 4.2%. Surprised by the low number, I found this in their FAQs, “The establishment survey does not collect data on the legal status of workers.” Meaning, they have no idea how many of the millions of illegal immigrants that flooded the U.S. are included. Overlapping the trendline from June 2004 to October 2009, the rate should be closer to 5.3%. The 6,563% increase in the federal fund rate between February 2022 and August 2023 gives it no choice but to go up.
For what it’s worth, my soothsayer skills predicted the unemployment rate within 0.2% four years before it was released – let’s see Forbes match that. Following a bet with co-workers as to what the rate would be at the end of Obama’s presidency, in a February 14, 2013 letter to the editor I stated, “by the time Obama leaves office unemployment should be 4.9%.” The actual rate was 4.7%. Knowing there’s a cause-effect relationship between the federal fund rate and the unemployment rate it wasn’t hard.
When millions of illegal immigrants are deported the unemployment rate will escalate and unfortunately, President Trump will get the blame.
Ben Furleigh
Village of Charlotte