The first step in possibly acquiring the Tierra Del Sol restaurant would be an appraisal, Amenity Authority Committee Chairman John Wilcox said in an interview with
Setting a price would give the AAC a better idea of what it would be getting into, Wilcox said.
He said acquiring the Tierra Del Sol restaurant, could be a “win” for residents of that area.
On Aug. 14, Villages Recreation Department officials presented two options to residents who use and have long advocated for improvements at the Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center.
Residents were thoroughly pleased with the presentation by John Rohan of the Recreation Department.
You can read a report from that meeting at the link below:
But two days later, the Villages Recreation Department was approached by the developer about taking over Tierra Del Sol restaurant.
“On August 16, 2013, a representative of the Developer contacted the District regarding the potential expansion of the Tierra Del Sol Recreation Center. They advised that they were reviewing a restructuring of the space currently leased by the Tierra Del Sol Restaurant, which sits adjacent to the existing recreation center. The restructuring could potentially free up square footage that could be used as an alternative to expanding the current recreation center,” Rohan wrote in a report dated Aug. 22 and presented to the AAC that same day.
The plan would cut the restaurant down to possibly the grill room and the screened-in porch.
One of the advantages to the plan is that the existing restaurant and pro shop could provide a source of income to the AAC.
Earlier this summer, the Amenity Authority Committee agreed to pay the developer $350,000 for the now-vacant El Santiago Club building.
The AAC now has to figure out what to do with the building, which has been completely gutted and currently sits vacant.
Residents of the El Santiago club area have suggested they would like to see a restaurant back in the building.
But AAC members in a meeting earlier this summer, said they had no interest in getting into the restaurant business.
A meeting on the future of the El Santiago Club building will be held at 9 a.m. Friday at Savannah Center.