A Village of Collier resident responds to a previous letter writer who complained about adult children living in The Villages and committing crime. The Collier resident says there’s more to the story.
A Village of Bonita resident, who is the widow of a Congressman, angrily responds to a letter writer’s claim there is a special slush fund in Congress to coverup extramarital affairs.
A Lady Lake resident got a good laugh courtesy of a letter writer’s unhappiness with Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent travel. She says the tab for Trump's golf will be much more expensive.
Robert Basye was recently criticized for getting too much information from “Fox Noise,” but he responds and says his choices for information are much more varied. Read his Letter to the Editor.
A Village of Lake Deaton resident, in a Letter to the Editor, questions Vice President Kamala Harris’ extensive travel in the waning days of the Biden administration.
A Village of El Cortez resident doesn’t understand why so many golf carts, without license plates or handicapped placards, are parked in handicapped spaces. Read his Letter to the Editor.