86.1 F
The Villages
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Helping constituent navigate VA to obtain replacement CPAP mask

Congressman Daniel Webster

The federal government is a massive operation, and as your representative in Congress, it is my pleasure to assist you with issues involving federal agencies. Since January, my office has helped return over a million dollars to 33 families. Although my office cannot override or improperly influence decisions made by a federal agency, we can intervene on a person’s behalf to answer questions and find solutions.

A constituent from Leesburg contacted my office with an urgent need for a replacement CPAP mask, as well as trouble with the VA reimbursing him for travel mileage. My office contacted the Malcom Randall VA Medical Center in Gainesville, which responded the same day by overnighting a replacement mask to the constituent, and resubmitting all of his travel reimbursement claims to be processed for payment.

Constituent services is a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you.

Congressman Daniel Webster represents The Villages in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Here’s my quandary when it comes to homeowner’s insurance

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Belle Aire resident lays out his situation when it comes to the rising cost of homeowner’s insurance.

Sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier

A Village of Monarch Grove resident, in a Letter to the Editor, writes that sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier and the situation has gotten out of hand.

Not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult

A Lady Lake resident, who bills himself as the hollerin’ hit dog, contends that not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult.

Dear Pro-Trump Voters

A Village of Chatham resident has a message for Pro-Trump voters. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Even our founding fathers were after power

A Village of Mallory Square resident says that politicians today and yesterday were all about acquiring power.