Villagers upset about a trashy rental home in their neighborhood are sick and tired of the situation.
The neighbors showed up Friday morning to complain about the property in the Vera Cruz Villas in the Village of Santo Domingo which was the subject of a public hearing before the Community Development District 2 Board of Supervisors.
The property is located at 2166 Estevez Drive and photos presented as evidence showed trash, empty plastic bottles as well as overgrown grass and weeds. The property is owned by Trust N. 2166 Land Trust Service which has a Lake Wales mailing address.
“The owner of the house lives next door,” said William Kondas of 2148 Estevez Drive, one of several neighbors upset about the trashy situation who showed up at the hearing at Savannah Center.
The owner did not attend the hearing.
Neighbors said the house has been rented out.
One of the things the District cannot do is pick up trash. The District can mow.
“They are going to have to remove that trash in order to mow,” said Candice Dennis of Community Standards.
The owner has been given three days to bring the property into compliance. If the property is not brought into compliance, a $250 fine will be imposed. A $250 fine will be imposed each time the District is forced to maintain the property. If the fines reach $1,500, the matter will be turned over to District Counsel.