86.1 F
The Villages
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Beautiful sunrise with SpaceX Falcon 9 in The Villages

The Villages’ beautiful sunrise got even better Monday when the Falcon 9 rocket carrying 23 Starlink satellites successfully launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Thanks to Julie Walfield for sharing!

Beautiful sunrise with SpaceX Falcon 9 in The Villages
Beautiful sunrise with SpaceX Falcon 9 in The Villages

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Sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier

A Village of Monarch Grove resident, in a Letter to the Editor, writes that sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier and the situation has gotten out of hand.

Not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult

A Lady Lake resident, who bills himself as the hollerin’ hit dog, contends that not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult.

Dear Pro-Trump Voters

A Village of Chatham resident has a message for Pro-Trump voters. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Even our founding fathers were after power

A Village of Mallory Square resident says that politicians today and yesterday were all about acquiring power.

Quit lying about being a Republican

A Village of St. James resident says it’s time for so-called Republicans to quit lying about their GOP loyalties.