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The Villages
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Democrats are spreading lies about Trump and Social Security

To the Editor:

A Villages resident recently claimed he might have to leave The Villages if Trump gets in office and cuts Social Security benefits.
Democrats are spreading all this false info just to get votes and couldn’t care less about the people in this country! Trump and Scott both have said they are trying to protect Social Security, but have said they would cut out all the waste in the system, so as to protect our benefits! That is the cuts they said they would make, but the Democrats seem to leave out that information.
Trump has been very definite about not making any cuts and will be trying to improve Social Security to protect it for our people! These scare tactics that the Dems use to get votes are so unfair to worry people who have to depend on Social Security! The real danger to Social Security is the Dems want to give all the illegal immigrants free Medicare and Social Security! Now that’s the big danger to Social Security and Medicare and can you imagine how that would destroy our system! Dems are also trying to give non-citizens the right to vote in our elections! So all these years that you have paid your taxes etc for your right to vote, would now be free to people who entered our country illegally who are non-citizens to have a say so in our elections! Do you think that is fair just so the Dems can get more votes?
I feel badly for some of these decent families that want to live here, but do it legally and be checked out from the criminals that want in also! Trump is trying to protect those rights for all Americans, but the media and Dems are trying to destroy him to keep their power and will say and do anything to stop him from being our president!!
ERIC LIPSETTS don’t worry about losing benefits if you vote for Trump, but if you vote for Harris and the Democrats then you do have something to worry about! Also you will have to worry about the possibility of us being in a world war with Harris as the president, among other problems she will create!!

Ken Sulko
Village of Osceola Hills


Sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier

A Village of Monarch Grove resident, in a Letter to the Editor, writes that sports pools are being closed earlier and earlier and the situation has gotten out of hand.

Not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult

A Lady Lake resident, who bills himself as the hollerin’ hit dog, contends that not all Republicans are joining the MAGA cult.

Dear Pro-Trump Voters

A Village of Chatham resident has a message for Pro-Trump voters. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Even our founding fathers were after power

A Village of Mallory Square resident says that politicians today and yesterday were all about acquiring power.

Quit lying about being a Republican

A Village of St. James resident says it’s time for so-called Republicans to quit lying about their GOP loyalties.