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The Villages
Saturday, September 7, 2024

Read Bob Woodward’s book and learn truth about Trump

Bob Woodward, two-time Pulitzer prize winning journalist of Watergate fame, has written 2 books about Trump. He has written books about all 10 Presidents, going back to Nixon. The most recent Trump book, “Fear in the White House”, based on 20 taped interviews and many taped phone calls from 2016 to 2020 during Trump’s term and the Covid pandemic.

Woodward released an audio book with 8 hours of those tapes along with his published book of that time. I listened last night to an interview Woodward did in Toronto about the book and tapes and I have read the book. Everyone should read that book, it is revealing not only of exactly what Trump did and did not do during Covid, but what went on behind the scenes throughout his term. Trump was warned in January 2020 by his national security advisor, public health and staff advisors that this Covid virus was lethal and the deaths could rival the Spanish flu epidemic that claimed 650,000 American lives. Months later in both April and July 2020, when Covid deaths stood at 140,000 and public health officials were begging Trump to warn the public, he was still downplaying it, saying it would be gone by summer or it was over. He told Woodward on tape he didn’t want to panic people. Public health and national security people told Woodward Trump wouldn’t listen to briefings. Ultimately, there were over 1.1 million American deaths from Covid and over 7 million deaths worldwide. Effective vaccines were not available in the US until the end of December 2020 (first given only to the elderly and immunosuppressed) and not widely available and distributed until after March 2021.

Immediately after January 6, due to Trump’s instigation and then failure to control the violence, with his cabinet resigning and Republican leaders blaming Trump, many around him feared what he might do, particularly with regard to nuclear codes. General Milley, the top General went to the Pentagon and called together the 24/7 watch commanders and one by one got them to confirm that any nuclear order had to include him and no order would be carried out unless he was part of the decision and they all agreed. Interestingly, according to Woodward, the same concern was raised in the chaotic days of Watergate when Nixon was erratic and the Pentagon went through the same safeguard exercise. Woodward also noted that when the Nixon tapes were released, one of the most frightening was one of Nixon saying over and over, “The press is the enemy, the press is the enemy. The professors are the enemy, the professors are the enemy. Never forget that.”

One word to describe Woodward’s reactions to what Trump was telling him is “incredulous”. Woodward had interviewed and written about 10 Presidents. He said Trump did not understand the Presidency and he didn’t understand democracy. Trump doesn’t read briefings and he doesn’t listen to expert advisors. Too often he listens to unofficial groups with an agenda and would take their advice over security advice.

All Russian experts in government who knew Putin well, said Putin is smart and manipulative. Trump was warned about Putin’s tactics but chose to ignore the warnings and even let himself be alone with Putin without advisors. We still do not know what went on in-those meetings.

Anyone who wants to know the facts about Trump’s behavior as President should read Bob Woodward’s book. I also recommend John Bolton’s book. He served 18 months under Trump and was present at the Putin meeting as well as behind the scenes in the White House. Bolton and Woodward reports, impressions and opinions are in agreement. Trump is incompetent. Trump is dangerous. And no one patriotic and rational thinks Trump should EVER be iPresident of the U.S. again.

William Beckett is a resident of the Village of Sanibel.

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