56.6 F
The Villages
Saturday, January 18, 2025

FHP launches safety campaign aimed at aggressive driving

The Florida Highway Patrol has launched another phase of Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT), a safety campaign aimed at educating motorists on the dangers of aggressive driving when interacting with large trucks on the road.

The campaign continues through Dec. 18. Troopers will be looking for car and truck drivers who display aggressive driving behaviors such as following too closely, unsafe lane changes and speeding.

“FHP is committed to making our highways safer and one way to accomplish that is by reducing the number of crashes involving commercial motor vehicles” said Col. David H. Brierton, director of the Florida Highway Patrol. “We can reduce the number of crashes if we all avoid aggressive driving behaviors and practice patience around large trucks.”

Do you drive defensively around large trucks?  Protect yourself and your passengers by learning how to share the road.

FHP offers these tips for driving around large trucks:

• Avoid the No Zone. Watch for the substantial blind spots (No Zones) around large trucks.

• Pass trucks with caution. Pass on the left side for maximum visibility and maintain constant speeds.

• Don’t cut trucks off.  Large trucks simply can’t stop as quickly as cars.

• Practice patience and try to be predictable. Avoid making erratic driving maneuvers if a truck isn’t going as fast as you’d like.

Congress did have a slush fund to pay sexual assault settlements

A reader from the Village of Lake Denham says Congress did have a slush fund to pay sexual assault settlements. He offers details in a Letter to the Editor.

So what is President Biden’s legacy?

What will President Biden’s legacy be? A Village of Winifred resident has a few suggestions.

I would love to have a Trader Joe’s in The Villages

A Village of Piedmont woman adds her voice to the chorus calling for a Trader Joe’s in The Villages. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Why do people assert that the GOP/MAGA are stupid for supporting Trump?

A Village of St. Charles woman, in a Letter to the Editor, wonders how anyone could support President-elect Trump.

There’s more to the story about ‘adult children’ in The Villages

A Village of Collier resident responds to a previous letter writer who complained about adult children living in The Villages and committing crime. The Collier resident says there’s more to the story.