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The Villages
Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I am not gullible when it comes to Trump

Robert Nyce
Robert Nyce

Gullible? Mr. Herman you need to look into a mirror – soon!

I base my decisions on a life-time of experience.  I am the least gullible person I know.  I question everything, any politician says.  I am not easily convinced of anything especially when the person is telling me one thing after spending a lifetime promoting a totally different point of view – a really radical point of view – and who for the last three and one-half years and before and has accomplished absolutely nothing.

In my commentary, I listed what I want and why I want those things.  I did not attack anyone else’s choice.  I did not mention the names of others who have supported the Democrat candidate in articles posted on www.Villages-New.com.  I gave my reasons for supporting Trump even though he may not be my first choice.

By contrast, Mr. Herman did what most Democrats do when they have nothing to point to as an actual accomplishment – call me names and attack my choice but offering noting in support of his choice because he can’t.  There is only the misery that Biden/Harris created.  He chose to simply attack me personally and talk in generalities.  He could have simply stated his reasons for supporting his candidate or why he thinks I am wrong.  But no, in typical fashion, in ignorance, he attacked me.  Well, I have had my eyes open the last eight or nine years.  Based on those experiences, I think I am more likely to get what I think would be best for America from Trump, rather than the policies spewed forth by the empty vessel running on the other side.

My comments are based on my life experience including service as a Staff Sargent in “The Old Guard,” at Arlington National Cemetery from 1967 through 1969, my degree in accounting, my over twenty years as a corporate tax professional with Lehigh Portland Cement, Frick Company, Bethlehem Steel Corporation and finally at Chrysler First, Inc. as VP of Tax.  During that time, I volunteered in my community on the Exchange Club of Northampton, Northampton Area School Board and Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School Joint Committee for six years each and thirteen years on the East Allen Township Municipal Authority.  I spent six years as a Representative in the PA House of Representatives, ran for PA Auditor General in 1996 and served as Executive Director of the PA Independent Regulatory Review Commission for eight years prior to retiring in 2005.  Also, I have served as a volunteer in Lady Lake since 2018 as Chairman of the Charter Review Committee, Chairman of the DAP and on the Zoning Board.  You see I always try to contribute to my community and not attack others while doing nothing myself.  I won some and I lost some!

My point is simply that I have had experiences many people have not had.  I share my opinions regularly knowing they might stimulate positive or negative feedback.  Which is good.

Mr. Herman chose the low road!  I choose the high road and encourage any citizen to voice their opinion without fear of the insults from someone like Mr. Herman who made no arguments to support his candidate but only attacking Trump because that is all they have.  Maybe gullible would apply to Mr. Herman.

After more than 35 years exposed to local, county and state politics in Pennsylvania and now in Florida as a volunteer, I think that I am fully capable of ascertaining when I am getting a snow job, clown show or magic flip-flop in political positions for personal gain.  By contrast, we know what one candidate can and did do for four years while undergoing attack from within his own party and the Justice Department.

So, Mr. Herman, read more, ingest more information and think a little before you offer an opinion on someone you do not know and have not met.  You are only convincing the readers of your ignorance which means they are less likely to accept anything you have to say.  My final comment on this issue!

Robert Nyce is a resident of the Village of La Reynalda.

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