The population and per capita income have continued to climb in the Town of Lady Lake.
The per capita income (average income per resident) has increased 56.9 percent from 2014 of $26,236 to $41,164 in 2023, according to Pam Winegardner of the Finance Department of the Town of Lady Lake.
Lady Lake’s population has grown from 14,148 in 2014 to 16,224 in 2023 with unemployment dropping from 5.4 percent to 2.8 percent.
The town population was 6,384 in1989 which doubled to 12,621 in 1998. The town has grown from 6.59 square miles to 9.56 square miles in 2023.
“Lady Lake stats show in 1989 total taxable assessed value of Lady Lake properties was $138,643,311 which includes personal property and real estate. In 2024, our total assessed value has grown to $1,817,468,315, an increase of $1,678,825,004,” she said.
Winegarnder cited data sources from the Bureau of Economic and Business Research by the University of Florida, Orlando Economic Development Commission and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.