To the Editor:
It is interesting that in wars, conflicts or tensions between nations and/or armed terrorist’s groups, there is never an assigned moral difference. The Daily Sun recently had an articl discussing a cease-fire and a deal to end the war in Lebanon with Hezbollah. They are not unique with that type of reporting; it is normal news reporting for a conflict. It is never between the “good guys” and the “bad guys.” The only concern is for loss of life. However, that loss of life concern is never there when Israel civilians are bombarded with hundreds of missiles every day or slaughtered in the October 7 attack. No one was calling for the terrorist’s groups to cease firing on them.
Now that Israel has them “on the ropes,” Hezbollah and Hamas want a cease-fire. The U.S., U.N. and most of the world also want a cease-fire. This is because they all assume a false moral equivalency between good and evil. They seem willingly ignorant of recognizing the difference between good and evil even when it is exceedingly obvious. The bible states in Romans 1:18 that “they suppress the truth through their unrighteousness.” They basically identify with and have support for organizations and people that are evil.
God’s plan for ancient Israel was to eliminate their evil enemies. They really suffered when they didn’t follow God’s plan to completely destroy those enemies. God’s future plan is to eliminate those that are in rebellion against Him. A cease-fire is not appropriate, an elimination or destruction is the only just solution.
If countries or organizations are actually morally equivalent, a cease-fire is always the correct decision. However, when good is battling against evil, the correct decision is to destroy the evil. If that can be done by changing people’s hearts, that would be great. However, if the heart can’t be changed, the organizations or individuals need to be eliminated! Since the Palestinians and their elected terrorist leaders have been indoctrinated their entire life to hate other people, that may be impossible. This is what Israel is facing. When Israel wants to eliminate the evil, America doesn’t allow them to follow through. This puts America on the side of evil against Israel. Genesis 12:3 states that those that curse Israel will be cursed by God. If a doctor can treat an unwanted tumor, that is great, but if it can’t be treated it must be cut out.
Bill Nitardy
Village of Sunset Pointe