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The Villages
Monday, June 3, 2024

No news in The Villages Daily Sun

To the Editor:

I have lived in The Villages for 22 years and have taken the paper all those years but it is getting harder than ever to find any news in it.
Any news pertaining to The Villages is mostly non-existent. When there is something on an accident, DUI, speeding, etc it just says “a man” or “a woman” was involved. No names.  What kind of reporting is that?
If you are going to be a newspaper you need to have responsible reporting. I guess just not talking about anything negative that happens in The Villages makes it seem like the friendly hometown you want to portray. And we are so tired of the pats on the back for being “first” in largest retirement community. You know it was never supposed to get this big but dollars drive everything here now. So sad.

Milly Adams
Village of Rio Grande

It’s time for GOP to disown Laura Loomer and other nut jobs

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Palo Alto resident writes that it is time for the GOP to disown Laura Loomer and other nut jobs.

Make Spanish Springs safe for all

A Village of De La Vista resident contends it is time to make Spanish Springs safe for all those who want to enjoy it.

Democrats will pay the price for what they’ve done to President Trump

A Village of Hillsborough resident, in a Letter to the Editor, warns that Democrats will pay the price for what they’ve done to President Trump.

Begging officials to save trees at Paradise

A Village of Country Club Hills resident is begging officials to find a way to save the beautiful trees to be cut down for the construction of a new recreation center at Paradise.

We can Make America Great Again by voting

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Briar Meadow resident says he can Make America Great Again by voting.