78.1 F
The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Crossing highways in golf carts would be simpler

To the Editor:

It’s my understanding that Florida law says golf carts can cross any highway where the speed limit is up to 45mph if it’s a four-way stop or a red light. So why does The Villages overrule state law? I know it’s safer to go by tunnel but in a lot of cases it takes much longer to go around to a tunnel for example, if I could cross U.S. Hwy. 441 at Southern Trace I could save 10 minutes one way. Anyone know why?

David Woodcock
Village of Polo Ridge


Look at reality and vote for democracy

A Village of Hadley resident, in a Letter to the Editor, warns that American voters need to look at reality and vote for democracy.

Bicycles belong on the multi-modal paths

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Antrim Dells resident contends that bicycles belong on the multi-modal paths.

Never again!

A Village of Belvedere resident says that Americans must never again put their trust in Donald Trump. Read her Letter to the Editor.

How can anyone with a brain support Kamala Harris?

A Village of Dabney resident wonders how anyone with a brain can support Kamala Harris.

Time to cancel my subscription

A Village of Pine Ridge resident says it’s time to cancel his subscription to The Villages Daily Sun.