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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Side-striping put to bed, but may prove to be restless sleeper

The issue of side-striping on the 42 miles of multi-modal paths in The Villages has been put to bed.

But it may prove to be a restless sleeper.

The Multi-Modal Path Discussion Group on Monday morning voted to move ahead with a comprehensive plan to improve visibility on the paths. The plan includes raised pavement markings and other guidance to aid those navigating the trickier sections of the multi-modal paths, particularly at night. You can read the plan in the Multi Modal Path Discussion Group Sept. 21 agenda.

The work, which was approved by unanimous vote by representatives of Community Development Districts 1-9 and the Amenity Authority Committee, CDD 10 is part of the group but its representative was absent at Monday’s meeting.

But striping remained a hot button at the meeting.

Dennis Hayes
Dennis Hayes

Frustration boiled over for CDD 8 Supervisor Dennis Hayes, whose district has voted 3-2 to move ahead with side striping. He lashed out at the three supervisors who voted in favor of striping earlier this month.

“District 8 is in an uproar,” Hayes said.

He said the 9,000 residents of CDD 8 “don’t feel represented.”

Hayes said the District Office has received 112 email strongly opposed to striping in CDD 8 and only 10 email in favor.

“They consider it a waste of money,” Hayes said.

He said side-striping, which the District’s engineer has said its not warranted, would open CDD 8 to liability if it disregards the engineer’s recommendation.

Petitions are being circulated at socials and at driveway parties in CDD 8 urging residents to take a stand against side striping.

Two of the three CDD 8 supervisors who voted in favor of striping, Ray Banks and Sal Torname, were at Monday’s meeting but did not speak.

CDDs 1 and 4 have also voted to remain open to the idea of side striping.

The Multi-Modal Path Discussion Group’s chairman, Peter Moeller, suggested putting side striping on the back burner. He wanted to see how residents reacted to the other improvements approved by the group.

“I respectfully disagree. I think we have beat the subject to death,” said CDD 9 Supervisor Diane Spencer.

She wanted to put it to rest once and for all, and she received a round of applause.

Moeller said he wanted to keep the group together for periodic meetings. Several members indicated that they want the group to remain to look at other issues on the multi-modal paths, such as speeding.

“If we thought side striping was a hot topic, wait till we talk about speeding,” Moeller said.

He encouraged supervisors to talk to their friends and neighbors about the topic before deciding if they wanted the group to delve into it.

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