78.1 F
The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Players, sponsors sought for upcoming MOAA golf tourney featuring increased prize money

Twice the prize money and greater opportunities for more Villagers to participate – and win – are two new incentives in this year’s Military Charities Golf Tournament, which is being held Saturday, Aug. 25 at 2 p.m. at the Hacienda Hills Golf & Country Club.

The Lake and Sumter Counties Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America is sponsoring the all-day fundraiser that features a step-aside scramble and shotgun start, as well as an auction and dinner buffet.

“We are encouraging more golfers to participate – especially women, by conducting separate contests for men, women and mixed teams,” said event coordinator Paul Hauser. “The long-drive and the hole-in-one competitions have been eliminated. Now, there are closet-to-the-hole contests for men and women – so we’ll guarantee winners.”

Tickets are $90 per golfer. Reservations, accepted until Aug. 22, can be made by contacting Hauser at (703) 868-6912 or hauser.paul@gmail.com.

The MOAA also is seeking sponsors to help underwrite the day’s outing. Opportunities range from memorial signs for deceased veterans and advertising signs for businesses and social groups, to tee-box promotions and program recognition. Benefactors are urged to contact Don Hansen at (352) 461-0624 or karen.donhansen@gmail.com by Aug. 10.

The MOAA’s 10 previous tournaments have raised $100,000 for several military service-focused charities in Central Florida. The chapter annually awards $9,000 in college scholarships to local Junior ROTC high school students and supports Operation Helping Hands, Toys for Tots and Operation Shoebox.

“We added two additional charities,” Hauser said. “The first is Athena House in Tampa, the only residential treatment program for women veterans. The other is Songs and Stories for Soldiers – a non-profit organization providing MP3 players, loaded with specially-selected music, for veterans suffering from PTSD or those undergoing dialysis or chemotherapy.”

Members of the MOAA are former and retired officers of all branches of the military and the Public Health Service.

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