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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Rain can’t stop Villagers for Trump from backing president – and saving kittens

Members of Villagers for Trump braved the rain Friday morning as they showed their support for the president at a busy Villages intersection. And in the process, two abandoned kittens – aptly named Melania and Ivanka – found a new home.

Members of Villagers for Trump and other supporters of the president waved signs on all four corners of the busy intersection of U.S. Hwy. 27/441 and Avenida Central on Friday morning.

Nearly 90 members of the grassroots organization that formed a little more than a year ago and now boasts more than 1,700 members converged on the four corners of the intersection of U.S. Hwy. 27/441 and Avenida Central shortly before 9 a.m., armed with flags and signs backing President Trump. And within seconds, they were hearing horns honking and getting the thumbs-up sign and waves from passing motorists.

Sue Cianci, who serves as the co-chair of the Villagers for Trump Action Committee, said she arrived at about 8:30 a.m. and was thrilled to see others pulling in behind her. “People just kept coming. They didn’t even care about the rain,” said the Village of Charlotte resident. “It’s wonderful and they’re doing such a good job.”

Donna Hoak, the other Action Committee c-chair, said she, too, was thrilled with the turnout.

“We’re making him proud,” Hoak, of the Village of Liberty Park, said of the president. “We’re getting a real good response and people are glad we’re out here.”

Villagers for Trump members Donna Hoak and Norton Elder show their support for President Trump during a sign-waving rally at the corner of U.S. Hwy. 27/441 and Avenida Central on Friday morning.

Don Eaton, of the Village of Glenbrook, agreed.

“People are getting more enthused every day,” he said. “This time next year, there’s going to be 200 people out here.”

Bill and Carol Decot, of the Village of Charlotte, said they were enjoying taking part in the sign-waving rally despite the weather.

“We want to save America and keep the country that we grew up in, before any socialism or Marxism or communism takes over,” Carol said. “This country is a great country and we need to keep it that way. If you work hard, you can achieve anything you want.”

Bill and Carol Decot, of the Village of Charlotte, say they attended Friday morning’s sign-waving rally because they ‘want to save America and keep the country that we grew up in.’
Neighbors Debbie Boehler and Mary Ann Rusnak, of the Village of Cortez, joined the flag-waving rally put on by Villagers for Trump on Friday morning.

Like others taking part in the event, Carol said she was impressed by the turnout and the response from passing motorists.

“It’s great that we have the support,” she said. “He’s going to need all the support that he can get because everybody’s always trying to trash him.”

Bill said he’s looking forward to the 2020 election, where he believes Trump will be re-elected for four more years.

“I think he’s going to win bigger this time than he did last time,” he said. “There’s a lot more Americans working. He’s done a lot for the blacks and Hispanics. He is for the working man.”

Rose Mary Stagg, Rick Stagg and Bob Wolf came to The Villages on Friday morning from their homes just west of Interstate 75 to show their support for President Trump.

Norton Elder, who was taking part in the rally sitting inside his Trump-decorated golf cart, said he was disappointed because he had heard that a contingent of more than 50 Villages-area Democrats were going to show up to offer their views as well.

“I think the Democrats chickened out on us,” he said with a smile. “A little rain isn’t going to hurt anybody.”

Kacy Nash, of the Village of Pine Ridge, and the abandoned kittens she rescued Friday morning that she quickly named Melania and Ivanka.

For Villager Kacy Nash, the morning proved to be quite special because she became the proud owner of two tiny abandoned kittens that were cowering in the bushes in front of the nearby Perkins Restaurant and Bakery. She said she’s raised many cats and estimated the kittens to be about a month old.

“This is Ivanka and this is Melania, since they are at the Trump rally,” said the Village of Pine Ridge resident, while holding up each of the gray-and-white kittens. “They’re really too young to be away from their mother so I’m going to have to pick up some formula to feed them.”

Anna Marie, Sue Cianci and Julie Bressie joined forces Friday morning to show passing motorists they support President Trump.

As for her reasons for attending the rally, Nash said it was really quite simple.

“He’d better win is all I can say,” she said. “If he doesn’t, then please, God help us.”

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