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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Officials contend ID checking in full force as guests descend on The Villages

District officials contend ID checking is in full force as guests descend on The Villages for the holiday season.

The Recreation Department has been pushing back on the notion that IDs are not being checked at pools, pickleball courts and other facilities in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.

Quite the contrary, the Recreation Department has reported that more than 1.5 million ID cards have been checked over the past seven months.

IDs are checked by two methods – with an ID scanner or manually by staff.

A few other facts to consider:

  • Guest ID cards are issued for all guests 1 year and older.
  • Guests 19 years of age and older must also have a photo ID when using District amenity facilities.
  • All approved facilities are also listed on the Guest ID/In-Area Guest ID card forms.
  • A resident who has a son, daughter, grandchild, or great-grandchild (and their spouses) who reside in Lake, Marion or Sumter couniees may apply for an In-Area Guest ID card.
  • Guests with In-Area Guest ID cards MUST be accompanied by the sponsoring resident

Are you satisfied that IDs are being checked at facilities in The Villages? Share your thoughts at letters@villages-news.com.

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