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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

8,400 illegal aliens entering our country every single day

Congressman Daniel Webster

The Biden border crisis rages on as U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) reports in fiscal year 2023, CBP encountered a record 2.48 million illegal aliens at our southern border, 1 in addition to nearly 670,000 so-called got-a-ways. On average, that’s more than 8,400 illegal aliens entering our country every single day. Just last month, there was 302,034 migrant encounters, the highest month ever recorded.

I’ve been to the southern border and seen firsthand how it is and CBP is at a breaking point. President Biden has used his executive authority least 64 times to intentionally to undermine and weaken our border security. The President with his Executive Orders and failure to enforce the law created the border crisis!

The House Homeland Security Committee released articles of impeachment against DHS Secretary Mayorkas for his willful and continued refusal to comply with federal law. The Committee’s year-long investigation found that Secretary Mayorkas is chiefly responsible for the chaos and crisis at our southern border. This weekend, we learned that a known terrorist who attempted to enter the United States illegally through our wide open Southern Border was subsequently released into the United States where he was allowed to freely roam for nearly a year because President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas’ embrace of the Far Left’s open border policies.

The House Homeland Security Committee is scheduled to meet this week to advance the impeachment, which I fully support! Securing our borders is one of my top priorities, and I am determined as ever to keep pushing the U.S. Senate and White House to embrace policies and legislation that sensibly reforms our immigration laws.

Congressman Daniel Webster represents The Villages in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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