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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

The dangerous hypocrisy of the Republican Congress

To the Editor:

We now hear of the Republican Congress stopping a bill to bring order to our border because Trump wants to make it a “campaign issue.” The border bill was purported to be the best bill in over several decades.
Robert DeNiro, the famed actor, has stated he has played bad men in several movies. He also says he has encountered many bad men throughout his life. He says Trump is not a bad man. He is an evil man. The Republican Congress are not bad people. They are evil people for putting their self-interest over the interests of our nation.

Michael MacDonald
Village of Virginia Trace


Look at reality and vote for democracy

A Village of Hadley resident, in a Letter to the Editor, warns that American voters need to look at reality and vote for democracy.

Bicycles belong on the multi-modal paths

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Antrim Dells resident contends that bicycles belong on the multi-modal paths.

Never again!

A Village of Belvedere resident says that Americans must never again put their trust in Donald Trump. Read her Letter to the Editor.

How can anyone with a brain support Kamala Harris?

A Village of Dabney resident wonders how anyone with a brain can support Kamala Harris.

Time to cancel my subscription

A Village of Pine Ridge resident says it’s time to cancel his subscription to The Villages Daily Sun.