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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

The costs of being associated with a fraudster can be devastating

To the Editor:

Citizen Trump just lost another NYC trial, adding another $365M to the existing $87M he was found guilty of sexually assaulting EJ Carroll.
It costs a lot of money to be associated with a con-artist fraudster . Just ask these convicted criminals:
1. Steve Bannon: Trump’s political Svengali was charged with fraud and fundraising scam.
2. Tom Barrack: Guilty on seven counts of and provide intelligence to the UAE
3. Elliott Broidy: Broidy, a top fundraiser conducted a secret lobbying campaign in exchange for millions of dollars into massive fraud at a Malaysian investments
4. Michael Cohen: The one-time fixer for Trump, Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for a series of crimes, most notably secret hush-money payments
5. Michael Flynn: had lied to the FBI about his contact with Russia and had also done work for Turkey as an unauthorized lobbyist.
6. Rick Gates: guilty to aiding and abetting Paul Manafort in concealing $75 million in foreign bank accounts.
7. Paul Manafort: count of conspiracy against the US and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice due to attempts to tamper with witnesses
8. George Nader: pleaded guilty to two counts of sex crimes involving minors.
9. George Papadopoulos: Pleaded guilty for lying to investigators about his contacts with individuals tied to Russia.
10. Roger Stone: was convicted in November 2019 for lying to Congress and threatening Federal judges.
11. Rudy : $143M , bankrupt, Facing $4B in from Dominion, Smartmatic
12. Mike Lindel “Pillow Man,” bankrupt . Facing $4B in from Dominion, Smartmatic
This is just a short list. Over 1,000+ J6 rioters are facing charges,
POTUS Joe Biden will easily be re-elected in 2024 as the lies of 2020 continue to be uncovered, and the convicted list of Trump’s inner circle grows. Trump is bound for conviction on 91 felonies.

Ralph Bennett
Village of Osceola Hills


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