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The Villages
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Biden could close the border with the stroke of a pen

To the Editor:

James Dockman has expressed his opinion about Congressman Webster and the Republicans not supporting Ukraine, and is why he will strongly support Biden!! I’m afraid that I can’t agree with his reasoning for if Biden wasn’t elected in 2020 this War in Ukraine would never have happened, including the Hamas attacking Israel!! As everyone knows Biden’s first week in office dropping Russian and Irans sanctions, gave them all the funds from their oil profits to start their wars!
Secondly, all Biden has to do is close the southern border with the stroke of his pen to protect our country and the Republicans would approve funds to Ukraine! The Border Bill that Biden wanted the Republicans to sign, did nothing to close the border, it just pumped more money into getting more Immigrants into our country faster. The federal courts just overruled Biden and is making him build the wall, which should have been completed by now, if Biden hadn’t stopped it the first week he was in office, again with a stroke of his pen!
He has also shown to the World how weak of a president that he is, and has put our country into the threat of a world war!
That is just part of the reasons that I’ve never felt more strongly about voting for Trump in November!

Ken Sulko
Village of Osceola Hills


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