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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Official wants to hear from residents about Developer and deed restrictions

Thomas Swiers
Thomas Swiers

An official in The Villages wants to hear from residents about the Developer’s desire to hand over to community development districts the responsibility for enforcement of deed restrictions against children in homes.

Community Development District 2 Supervisor Tom Swiers will host a question-and-answer session on the topic from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 26 at the El Santiago Recreation Center.

Community Development District 4 set the discussion in motion with the Developer about possibly taking over the responsibility for enforcement of internal deed restrictions, including rules against children living full-time in homes in The Villages and against running a business in a home. It was recently revealed that the Developer is interested in handing off the enforcement of the internal deed restrictions to the CDDs.

Villagers have indicated they are suspicious about the Developer’s desire to rid himself of the internal deed enforcement responsibility and worried about the potential increase in costs for residents.

“This would be very unwise for the homeowners as the boards are already struggling with infractions. Also, legal fees will be dumped on homeowners increasing fees! The Developer set up The Villages with deed restrictions; they need to be vigilant and enforce them,” said Kathy Kaminski of the Village of St. James.

Villager John Kane is also leery about such a major change.

“Seems as if the Developer again is looking to hand over expenses to the residents,” he said.

Robert Basye of the Village of Piedmont is also urging officials to exercise caution before accepting the enforcement responsibility.

“It is the Developer’s responsibility to enforce internal deed restrictions, CDDs should not take over,” he said.

Share your thoughts on this topic at news@villages-news.com

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