81.8 F
The Villages
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Villagers will have opportunity to safely view great solar eclipse

The Villages Astronomy Club will host a viewing event next week for the great solar eclipse.

The viewing event will be from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday, April 8 at Homestead Recreation Center. The peak of the eclipse, with 67 percent coverage, will occur at 3:02 p.m. that day.

“Outside, we will have solar scopes giving safe direct views of the sun, its sunspots and prominences, as well as the moon. We will have solar glasses so that you can look directly at the eclipse. Take a tour of the solar system on our Solar Walk, learn more about the sun, moon, the planets, and why eclipses and transits occur,” said club member Jeff Kahler.

Inside the recreation center, the Astronomy Club will be showing live streaming video of the eclipse from the path of totality.

Residents can view the eclipse without leaving Florida.

This will be the last solar eclipse visible from The Villages until 2028. For more information, visit vlgastroclub.org

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