76.7 F
The Villages
Monday, June 3, 2024

Shots reportedly fired near homes in Ocala

An Ocala man reported hearing multiple gunshots outside his home early Sunday morning, according to a report filed with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

The homeowner who lives on Teak Loop, told a deputy that he was watching a live camera feed outside his home just after midnight when he heard the shots. He said he saw a dark colored pickup truck drive by but didn’t see muzzle flashes or anyone with a firearm.

The homeowner said he quickly searched his front yard for any evidence of the gunfire but couldn’t find anything. Later he found two empty ammunition casings near the front of his home, the report states.

The deputy said he watched the video of the truck driving past, but because of the poor quality of the recording, he couldn’t see a license plate number or determine the make or model of the vehicle.

The deputy said three other homeowners in the area reported hearing the shots but didn’t see any suspicious activity outside their homes. The deputy submitted the ammunition cases into evidence and requested that deputies conduct patrols in the area of the Teak Loop homes.

Democrats will pay the price for what they’ve done to President Trump

A Village of Hillsborough resident, in a Letter to the Editor, warns that Democrats will pay the price for what they’ve done to President Trump.

Begging officials to save trees at Paradise

A Village of Country Club Hills resident is begging officials to find a way to save the beautiful trees to be cut down for the construction of a new recreation center at Paradise.

We can Make America Great Again by voting

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Briar Meadow resident says he can Make America Great Again by voting.

Character matters when choosing a president

A Village of Charlotte resident says that character matters when choosing a president. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Baby on the way in our neighborhood in The Villages

A Village of DeLuna resident, who didn’t move to The Villages until she was of retirement age, questions young people living in Florida’s Friendliest Hometown.