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The Villages
Monday, June 3, 2024

Is it time to require registration of golf carts in The Villages?

Is it time to require registration of golf carts in The Villages?

Apparently, the Village Center Community Development District Board of Supervisors is preparing to look into the possibility of setting up a registration process for the estimated 60,000 golf carts in The Villages

At least one official appears already to be on board.

Community Development District 7 Supervisor Judi-Ann Rutherford previously lived in Peachtree City, Ga., a golf cart community with a registration requirement. You can learn more about that community’s registration process at this link: https://peachtree-city.org/216/Paths-Golf-Carts

Peachtree City issues registration decals for golf carts.

“It’s a safety issue,” Rutherford said.

She added that registration decals are also very helpful with recovering lost or stolen golf carts.

Do you think the time to register golf carts has arrived? Share your thoughts in a Letter to the Editor at letters@villages-news.com

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