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The Villages
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Villager arrested after paying unwanted visit to town square

Mark Muldoon

A Villager was arrested after paying an unwanted visit to Spanish Springs Town Square.

An employee of The Villages contacted law enforcement after spotting 57-year-old Mark Muldoon of the Escandido Villas at about 6:30 p.m. Sunday standing near one of bar huts listening to the band, according to an arrest report from the Lady Lake Police Department.

The employee was aware that Muldoon had been banned from the square in 2015. That year, he was sentenced to 30 days in jail after a woman had complained to an officer that he had been grabbing at women’s arms and asking them to dance while at the square. Muldoon already had a long list of arrests, most of them stemming from intoxicated behavior.

The employee said that when Muldoon spotted her looking at him, he left the square. She provided a written statement indicating she wanted to see Muldoon prosecuted for returning to the square.

A Lady Lake police detective positioned himself at the square and Muldoon returned a short time later. Muldoon said he did not think the trespass order imposed in 2015 was still valid. He had a Swiss army knife in his pocket and was carrying a pool cue. Those items were taken by the detective and placed in safe keeping.

He was arrested on a charge of trespassing and booked at the Lake County Jail. Bond was set at $1,000.

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