69.2 F
The Villages
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Village of Piedmont artist’s work will be on display at Art Center Manatee in Bradenton

Nancy Dias

Nancy Dias, a resident  of the Village of Piedmont, has learned her painting “New Beginning” has been accepted into the Acrylic Painters USA 2021 Juried Exhibition that is being held at the Art Center Manatee, Bradenton through Nov. 19.

Her painting was selected by juror Artist Tony Ortega who has exhibited extensively in the United States, Latin America, and other parts of the world.

Villager Nancy Dias has created 22New Beginning22
Villager Nancy Dias has created “New Beginning.”

In addition to being accepted for the show, Dias was recognized as achieving Signature Member status in APUSA. She also holds Signature status in the Florida WC Society and Tallahassee WC Society.

More information and viewing of all the artwork can be found at this link https://acrylicpaintersusa.com/


Donald Trump is finally being held accountable

In a Letter to the Editor, a Lady Lake reader is happy that former President Donald Trump is finally being held accountable for his actions.

Democratic presidents have done worse than President Trump

A resident of the Alexandria Villas says that there have been Democratic presidents who did far worse things than President Trump. Read her Letter to the Editor.

Congressman Webster should be ashamed of blind support for Trump

A Village of Bonnybrook resident, in a Letter to the Editor, contends it is time for Congressman Webster to represent the interests of his constituents rather than ex-President Trump.

Finding faith in the news media

A Village of Sanibel resident, in a Letter to the Editor, points to an encouraging study about faith in the news media.

Needlessly spending money on pickleball courts at Hacienda

In a Letter to the Editor, a Village of Caroline resident expresses frustration that the Hacienda pickleball courts will be closed through mid-June for work that he believes is completely unnecessary.