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The Villages
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Nelson calls for ban on assault rifles, says he ‘hasn’t taken a dime from NRA’

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson told a local audience he wants a ban on assault rifles and that he has never accepted any money from the powerful National Rifle Association.

His comments came Saturday during an event at the Wildwood Community Center.

Florida’s senior senator fielded questions from the audience that numbered more than 100.

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson speaks to constituents on Saturday at the Wildwood Community Center.

A Villager asked about assault rifles.

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson greets Villagers at Saturday’s event.

The Democrat answered that no one needs an AR15 with a 30-round magazine to hunt. Nelson said his hunting rifle is a .270-caliber Winchester with a scope and a small capacity magazine. He voted for the assault rifle ban which was in place from 1994 to 2004.

He said the NRA has blocked gun control reform and is essentially a lobbying organization for the gun manufacturers.

“I will stand for the right to possess a gun until my dying day, but gun control must be reasonable,” Nelson told the crowd.

Nelson, who is expected to face Gov. Rick Scott this fall in a race for the U.S. Senate seat Nelson now holds, was asked if he would accept money from the NRA as he faces what could be an expensive re-election bid.

“I have never taken a dime from the NRA,” Nelson said.

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