74.5 F
The Villages
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Villages League of Women Voters trumpets changes in presidential elections

The local chapter of the League of Women Voters will meet next week to discuss the national popular vote.

Member Helen Kelly will be the presenter at the meeting of the League of Women Voters of The Villages/Tri County, which begins at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, April 15 at the Manatee Recreation Center.

The group believes there should be changes made to the way we elect our president and vice president. They point out at Americans elect all officials – from mayors to governors and state legislators to United States senators – via a popular vote. The only two officials elected in a different manner are the president and vice president, they say.

“It is time electors are guided by the majority of Americans who agree on the person who should lead the nation,” the group claims. “Acting in concert with the Electoral System, we are working to educate the public and legislators about the benefits of legislation that would instruct our electors to vote for the presidential candidate who captures the most votes in all 50 states.”

The group claims the “winner-take-all” method doesn’t work and needs to be changed.

“Fortunately, the Constitution contains the means by which the winner-take-all system can be replaced to ensure all Americans count,” they say. “States are granted exclusive control by the Constitution over national elections and can chose any method of instructing their electors how to vote. Two, in fact, chose methods other than winner-take-all.”

The group points out that no Constitutional amendment is required for a state to change its method of instructing electors – just state legislation.

“A growing number of states are now passing local legislation to instruct their electors to vote for the person who wins the national popular vote,” they say. “More than 60 percent (172) of the 270 electoral votes needed to activate the national popular vote have been secured.”

Those interested in learning more about the topic are invited to attend Monday’s meeting and are encouraged to bring a friend. For more information about the local League, which hosted candidate forums last year, visit lwvtrifl.org.

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