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The Villages
Saturday, June 15, 2024

People aren’t fooled by bias of The Villages Daily Sun

To the Editor:

It’s very obvious who The Village Daily Sun Editorial Board gets their marching orders from, the Developer of course, who owns the newspaper.
The Developer’s bias was on full display in the Sunday, Aug. 15 edition of the Daily Sun. They spent almost a full page beating up Commissioners Oren Miller, Craig Estep and Gary Search. The Developer was not too happy that the people got rid of the Developer-backed dead wood and then voted in three new commissioners who are doing a great job!
The new commissioners’ primary focus is to support the people of Sumter County who elected them. Further, the new commissioners did not support the Developer’s demands to not touch the impact fees but rather they increased the Developer’s portion setting the stage for articles in the Daily Sun such as the one I referenced.
Of course, the Developer and their Daily Sun cronies made a valiant attempt to discredit the three who “we the people” voted in, but it won’t work. In fact, next we need to lose the two holdover Commissioners who support whatever the developer wants. The Developer still cannot get past the fact that the new commissioners don’t work for the Developer but rather “The People.” Just as it should be!
The Daily Sun is getting more and more opinionated in an effort to support the developer and discredit those who the people voted into office. It was so very obvious what they are doing. It won’t work! If not for my wife wanting to read other areas in the paper, we would cancel it. The bias has gotten out of control!

Denny Dzurinko
Village of Charlotte


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