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The Villages
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Prosecutors are catching up to Trump

To the Editor:

First of all I feel The Villages-News.com should be about Villages news not political commentary.
Recently, you published nasty comments from Mr. Moffett about Democrats besmirching our country because Don Trump got caught cheating on his wife.
When Bill Clinton cheated on his wife the Republicans tried to get him impeached. So now that a Republican gets caught cheating on his wife at least twice it’s Mr. Moffett’s idea that the Democrats are to blame.
I say shame on you Mr. Moffett.
Both men cheated on their wives. Both men lied about it. Donald Trump wrote checks to both women to be quiet – and lied about that.
Then he lied about where the money came from – which is illegal- which why he was indicted, 34 times.
You Mr. Moffett should be treating both ex presidents the same.
If you are upset now wait until he is convicted of attempted voter tampering in Georgia.
“Just find me 11,780 votes”

Jim Krysiak
Village of Bonnybrook


Checking bias in the news media

A Freedom Pointe resident offers his thoughts on bias in the news. Read his Letter to the Editor.

We need someone younger to represent us in Congress

A Village of Orange Blossom Gardens resident is disgusted with Congressman Webster celebrating the endorsement of former President Trump. She says we need someone younger to represent us in Congress.

Here’s how voters can get around the Developer’s dirty trick

A Village of Dunedin resident offers guidance on how Sumter County voters can get around the Developer’s dirty trick.

Developer’s offspring should change last name to Putin

A Village of St. Charles resident, in a Letter to the Editor, suggests the Developer’s offspring change their last name to “Putin.”

Grateful to write-in candidates

The Sumter County Republican Party chairman writes that she is “grateful” to write-in candidates in the Sumter Commission race.