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The Villages
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Biden’s sinking poll numbers at bottom of desperate border bill

To the Editor:

Well here it is folks: the Democrats looked at Biden’s recent polling numbers, and what did they see? Even on NBC polling data Biden was sinking, not like a rock, but more like a Bolder. Biden was down 35 points to Trump on the border! Oh, what to do? Democrat Senator Schumer enlisted the help of Republican Senator Mitch McConnell (No friend of Trump) and concocted the alleged bipartisan “Secure on the border act of 2023.” What is in this 300-page iceberg? The bill will spend and add to our current $34 trillion dollar debt, a mere, $118 billion dollars! And what goes to our Border, $20 Billion. But what else is lurking in the ice? $60 Billion dollars for the Ukraine War (Compliments of “Bug Out Joe’s’’ successful Afghanistan withdrawal) and $14 billion for Israel. The Ukraine border is obviously more important than our border, in fact triple.
Again, recall over the last three years Biden and DHS Secretary Mayorkas repeatedly and repeatedly assured us that our border was secure! Notwithstanding, these assurances, Texas elected to erect wire and insert the National Guard. What was Biden’s immediate response to Texas’ action? Sue in the U.S. Supreme Court to remove the wire and threatened to Nationalize the Texas Guard. So why the instant change in Biden border policy? Election time is a coming!

Charles Grant
Village of Caroline


Here’s an idea on how to handle SECO’s jacked up pole rental rates

After the outrage over huge increases in pole rental rates by SECO Energy, a Villager offers an idea about how to respond. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Write-in loophole may be legal but flouts intent of Universal Primary Amendment

A Villager who is a leader of the League of Women Voters contends the write-in loophole may be legal, but it doesn’t square with what voters wanted when they approved a 1998 amendment to the Florida Constitution.

The Villages Health Care experience

A Del Webb Spruce Creek resident describes a very pleasant experience he has had with The Villages Health care system. Read his Letter to the Editor.

Checking bias in the news media

A Freedom Pointe resident offers his thoughts on bias in the news. Read his Letter to the Editor.

We need someone younger to represent us in Congress

A Village of Orange Blossom Gardens resident is disgusted with Congressman Webster celebrating the endorsement of former President Trump. She says we need someone younger to represent us in Congress.